with Sarah Hawthorne


Posts in nutrition
San Francisco: A Modern + Wholesome Guide

San Francisco has a plethora of health gems spread out around the city. This special guide has been designed to share with you some of my personal favorites, new discoveries and older classics I simply couldn't leave off the list. ENJOY! 

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My Favorite Smoothie Recipe - The Perfect Breakfast

Make fiber, protein and fat your best friends when it comes to making smoothies. Here’s an example of how I like to make mine...

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“What's all this talk about "anti-aging?" I say flip it around to look at skin care in terms of "pro-aging."  Embrace life through clean living, exercise and food and your skin will glow as you embrace your age!” 

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Beat the cold + flu: Discover natural ways to help boost your immune system

It’s that time of year where the nasty winter cold and flu is going around and we are all susceptible to catching it. This week my husband and I both got sick at the same time, so I felt inspired to share with you some of our self-care and natural healing tools that can help to fight it off quicker. 

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How to build the perfect smoothie

Smoothies are a popular health drink with my health coaching clients as they are quick and easy to make, and are a great choice for breakfast on the go. The key to building the perfect smoothie is to think about nutritional density, incorporating a balance of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, protein and healthy fats. Basically the raw materials your body needs to THRIVE.   

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Prone to Headaches? Here are some natural remedies to try

Headaches can be caused by imbalance in the body, especially excess inflammation. The key to conquering frequent headaches once and for all is to get to the root cause. In this week’s blog post, I share with you some of my favorite natural remedies that can be very effective. 

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Thanksgiving Recovery Tips: Ditch the Bloat + Get Back on the Healthy Eating Track

Likely, you are feeling really full from yesterday’s tasty thanksgiving feast. Well I have just what you need to feel healthy, naturally slim and energized again. Read on for my 3 simple post-meal recovery tips. 

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Healthy Thanksgiving Inspiration – 5 Simple Ways to Prevent Overindulgence

It’s that festive time of year. The weather is cooling down but we are winding up for quality time with friends and family. Besides love, what brings us all together? The food! My clients seem to dread the idea of eating during the holiday season, but I am quick to shine some light on the situation, by sharing some simple tips that ensure they can enjoy their beloved Thanksgiving feast, without sabotaging their health goals. 

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The Right Way To Fuel Your Workouts!

If you are an active person it is important to fuel your body the right way for maximum energy, optimum performance and sound recovery. I believe using nutrient dense whole foods to do this is key. There are some high quality supplements that can support your workouts too.  In this week’s blog post, I am going to share with you the ones I recommend to my clients. 

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MYTH BUSTER: Fat makes you fat, clogs arteries and gives you heart attacks!

Nature put fat in foods like avocadoes, eggs, nuts and seeds etc. for a reason – never underestimate its intelligence. Natural whole fats are an important nutrient required for vibrant health. We simply wouldn’t be healthy or survive without them. 

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